Monday, September 6, 2010

Summer's End

School starts tomorrow for my little (and big!) guys. They will be in 7th, 5th, 1st and kindergarten. Alex starting 1st grade, and going to school all day, has me quite nervous but I have been doing my best to "prepare" him all summer. We have kept up with his sensory diet, started taking some supplements recommended by the DAN doctor we went to last spring (not many and they are based on the results of his blood and urine tests), worked on reading and math, and read social stories about the cafeteria, recess, waiting in line, and how to have an appropriate conversation with peers. We have talked about what his "job" is in different situations that will be new to him: in music class, he is expected to sing, in PE he is expected to listen to the "coach" and follow directions, at recess he is expected to find someone to play with and not jump around by himself, etc.

He has been practicing his play skills at the playground where Isaac has football practice. He and Sara play at the playground with each other and with other siblings and random kids who are there while Isaac is at practice.

Here's how you know you have a special needs kid: when your kid says to you "Mom, aren't you proud of me? I played with that kid!! I am doing a great job practicing for recess!" and you, the mom, have never been more proud of this small (HUGE!!) accomplishment other moms take for granted.


  1. Kris, reading this post brings me back.

    I hope the going to school all day goes well. I don't miss those first days of school, not one bit.

    And...I don't miss recess drama. You've got a long way to go yet girl! 7th, 5th, 1st and kindergarten. I bow in your presence lol!

  2. Good luck to you tomorrow! My son starts preschool tomorrow and his first time in a full day inclusion class!
    I know that feeling of pride when you see and hear your kids accomplish something so great! Thanks for sharing!

  3. oh how marvelous to hear this
    what great accomplishments really for Alex
    Truly amazing

  4. Hello Kris,
    I just scrolled through your blog and it looks like you are dealing with a lot. Hang in there. I really liked a comment you made on Christinas blog about the disgusting people raising money for their adoptions. I wanted you to know that I felt that same shame seeing this but can't really articulate it. I liked what you said and just wanted to say you seem like a good person. I can see by your side bar that we read a lot of the same blogs so I will probably meet you again.

  5. Our 10 year old daughter was diagnosed with Asperger's Autism two years ago.
    I'd be honored to follow your blog.
